How to convert your PDF to HTML the easy way

PDF to HTML conversion for maximum results

Companies spend a great deal of time and resources on their photography, storytelling and design, whether it’s for their catalogs, lookbooks, or brand campaigns. What happens when you want to reuse those assets for landing pages or create an interactive digital catalog with HTML components? Oftentimes, companies get plagued with a conflicting priorities to launch several campaigns quickly, that it becomes particularly challenging to tackle everything at once.

InDesign to HTML for designers benefits

OK, so you’ve just spent weeks (if not months) designing the most amazing content — but now it’s time to bring it to life online. You are sure to encounter frustration when your pixel-perfect files don’t end up matching the web version (in the slightest), and you don’t have extra hours to spend communicating back and forth with the development teams to ensure the web design version is up to par. The ideal scenario is when a design team may convert their Indesign file or PDF file to HTML without reworking what’s already been designed.

Key benefits for marketing teams

Meanwhile, marketing teams have to coordinate with IT to launch several new campaigns to ensure deliverability, consistency, tracking, and accuracy. Marketers are stalled on the IT side when they have to wait for these new experiences to be coded from scratch and ensuring integrations are working properly. Fortunately, by utilizing the already-made PDF designed for the digital experience, marketers save time and reduce risk without duplicating efforts.

By converting a PDF to a digital experience, such as a landing page, lookbook or digital catalog, marketers don’t have to worry about coding, building it a second time in a complex XMS, or managing the content on a subdomain. By embedding the experience, marketers are empowered to create without restraint or limits imposed by rigid templates. Embeddable shoppable content solutions managed independently from the website empower marketers to launch more engaging experiences faster.

Analytics Benefits

Another benefit is analytics. Digital publishing platforms like Syndeca allow marketing staff to pull detailed analytics and reports without tagged links or creating event tags. It all happens automatically, so they can focus their efforts on actually promoting the products.

As a marketer, it’s important to be able to report metrics on the campaigns for the brand. What’s more––they need to prove the experience is generating value. Digital experiences need to have the ability to make each item featured in the catalog shoppable in order to justify having a visual commerce solution. Are you able to see which products are being viewed and shared with the most from your catalog experience? Are customers able to preview information about the products in the catalog without leaving the catalog experience?

What you should be able to see in your reports:

Product name

# of views

# of add to carts

Product 1



IT Benefits

On an IT front, limited staffing levels and budgets make it difficult to handle the growing workloads IT teams have to deal with. By converting a PDF to HTML with the right solution, this removes the headache of having to code from scratch, reduces workloads, and gives IT teams more time to focus on more pressing matters. IT teams also need to be concerned about ensuring security with whichever solutions they choose.

The right digital solution is WCAG compliant, and doesn’t require valuable in-house IT resources to integrate with all the necessary third-party applications. The right solution would allow you to convert a PDF into a web HTML5 catalog without relying on in-house IT to deploy and maintain.

Key takeaways:

Limited budgets, resources and time are ringing problems design teams, IT teams and marketing teams experience. When tasked with promoting multiple campaigns, businesses need to ensure the catalog is shoppable. Converting a PDF to HTML with the right solution allows you to reduce IT reliance, empower marketing teams and give more creative freedom to design teams. When selecting a catalog solution provider, offering the best UX experience and accelerating the path to purchase is key to increasing AOV and conversion rates.

Let us convert  your PDF to  HTML for maximized results.

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